November 9, 2024

Labcorp Patient Portal Help

There are a number of options for getting assistance with the Labcorp Patient Portal.

If you have any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with Labcorp Customer Service at 1-800-845-6167 or by email at Help with account creation, portal access, test results, and more is available.

The Patient Portal Help Center is an extensive database of how-to articles, video demonstrations, and frequently asked questions that may be accessed by patients using the portal.

After signing in, choose the “Help” tab in the main menu to access the Knowledge Base.

Information regarding Labcorp services, such as the Patient Portal, may be found on the company’s website, which is accessible through the aforementioned Labcorp URL. To get additional information, go to and choose the “Patient” option from the menu bar.

Get in touch with your doctor if you have any concerns or questions regarding your health or test findings. They may aid in data interpretation and provide advice for moving forward.

Keep in mind that the Labcorp Patient Portal is designed to supplement your relationship with your healthcare practitioner, not to replace it.

An immediate trip to the doctor is in order in the event of a life-threatening medical condition.

Amit Singh